Latest News

We are now open every single Saturday

Rogers Solicitors are now open each and every Saturday from 9 am until 5 pm. The decision was made after hearing countless clients saying that they are busy during the week. We are a client focused firm and we are totally dedicated to providing a top class level of service. So we decided to offer this service and so far it has proved to be very popular. If you wish to make an appointment then please get in touch. We would love to hear from you.

Rogers Solicitors on the telly!

Rogers Solicitors very own Ciaran Rogers this week appeared on TV3’s Ireland AM TV show. Ciaran was interviewed to discuss the new legislation relating to cyclists in Ireland. Ciaran is recognised as one of the country’s leading lawyers for cyclists and motorcyclists.

Rogers Solicitors developing mobile app

Rogers Solicitors are currently developing a mobile phone app which all of their clients can log onto to track the progress of their case and also to get in touch with the team. The project will be rolled out very soon. Stay tuned!

We are on WhatsApp

We are very contactable. You can now add us on WhatsApp using our mobile number 0858818857. You can text us also or call the mobile or landline (016177949). Pease note that it is free to call us on WhatsApp and the sound quality is top class. You can get us 24/7 and we would love to hear from you.

Rogers Solicitors settle motorcycle case after disclosing “head cam” footage

Rogers Solicitors have recently settled a very difficult case involving a motorcyclist who was struck by a car that cut across his path. The car driver and his insurer vigorously denied that the accident was their fault. However, our client was able to produce footage from a head camera which completely backed up his version of events. The case settled very quickly after the footage was shared with the insurers.

Rogers Solicitors new website

We have today launched our new website We hope you like it. The site was designed to help give clients as much information as possible.

On the lookout for staff

Rogers Solicitors are on the lookout for new Solicitors to join their team. If you know anyone suitable then please ask them to email in a CV.

Law Society of Ireland wide

In contentious business, a legal practitioner shall not charge any amount in respect of legal costs expressed as a percentage or proportion of any damages (or other moneys) that may become payable to his or her client or purport to set out the legal costs to be charged to a junior counsel as a specified percentage or proportion of the legal costs paid to a senior counsel. A legal practitioner shall not without the prior written agreement of his or her client deduct or appropriate any amount in respect of legal costs from the amount of any damages or moneys that become payable to the client in respect of legal services that the legal practitioner provided to the client.