Case Study: Accident at Work case settles for 95,000 euros

Bernard was working as a welder at a large manufacturing plant in Tallaght, Dublin 24. On 23rd August 2015 a large and heavy metal container fell from a work bench and landed on Bernard’s right ankle. Bernard suffered a nasty fracture and spent two night in Tallaght Hospital and he was out of work for six months.

Bernard instructed Rogers Solicitors to represent him in his personal injury case. A meeting was held at the offices of Rogers Solicitors in Dublin City Centre and the entire claims process was explained to Bernard. A letter of claim was sent to Bernard’s employer, and they in turn passed this to their insurers so that they could investigate liability surrounding the accident.

All medical notes and records were compiled and a medical report was obtained from Bernard’s GP which outlined the extent of the nasty fracture. The case was submitted to the Injuries Board and around 7 months later the Injuries Board assessed the case at 52,000 euros. This figure was rejected as the offer seemed much too low, and also because more medical reports were required in order to give a full picture of the extent of Bernard’s injuries.

The case exited the Injuries Board and the next step was to issue High Court proceedings in order to progress the case. By this stage Bernard had received the good news that his employers insurers had admitted liability for the accident. This meant that he would win his case, the only matter to be determined was the level of damages that Bernard was entitled to.

High Court personal injury proceedings were issued and Rogers Solicitors arranged further medical reports from an Orthopaedic Surgeon and from a Plastic Surgeon were compiled. These reports painted a gruesome picture of his injuries. Luckily for Bernard his employer paid his wages in full and there was no claim for loss of earnings.

Several months after proceedings were issued, the Solicitors for Bernard’s employer filed a Defence but also arranged for a settlement meeting to discuss settling the case. In December 2017 Rogers Solicitors attended settlement talks at the Four Courts with their Barrister and a legal team from the employers. After around 2 hours of talks a settlement figure was agreed at 95,000 euros. Bernard was absolutely delighted with the settlement. Bernard went through a tough and stressful time after his accident and this compensation has went some way to helping him get back on his feet.

Bernard was delighted with the service provided to him by Rogers Personal Injury Solicitors, especially the level of contact that he had with the firm and the fact that he was able to send WhatsApp messages to his Solicitor on a 24/7 basis. Rogers Personal Injury Solicitors specialise in accident at work cases and have a national reputation for obtaining high settlements. If you require assistance with such a case, then please get in touch and we will do our best to assist you in any way that we can.

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