Why you need a Personal Injury Solicitor in Dublin

The most common lie victims of personal injury are told is that they don’t need a personal injury solicitor.

This falsehood comes in many forms. From the classic “Solicitors just complicate things,” to the equally ancient and erroneous “getting a solicitor will just make everything worse.”
If you’ve heard any of the above they have likely come from the very person – or organisation – that caused the injury in the first place.

Injured parties are often pressured into signing a settlement; with the promise that it’s in the victim’s best interests. With over a decade of experience exclusively dealing with personal injury* cases, we have rarely seen a settlement document – signed without the advice of a personal injury solicitor* – that adequately compensated the injured party.

In this post, we’d like to dispel – once and for all – some of the lies that personal injury victims are oftentimes subjected to and explain why you should always hire a local Dublin personal injury solicitor.*

Won’t a personal injury solicitor* just complicate everything?Absolutely not, a good personal injury solicitor* should strive to keep their client as informed as possible.
We get it, legal terminology can be confusing and intimidating but the concepts behind this language are firmly based on logic and are easily understood once properly explained.
Our team of Dublin personal injury solicitors* break down complex legal concepts into plain, straight-forward English. A personal injury solicitor* doesn’t complicate matters, in fact, they do quite the opposite. They clarify the various process involved in seeking legal redress following a personal injury.*

Won’t getting a personal injury solicitor* make everything worse?

Worse for who, exactly? A professional personal injury solicitor* can bring clarity to a situation. They can let an injured party know exactly where they stand following an accident.
In our near 15 years of experience, we have found that individuals who tell an injured party that a solicitor will only make a difficult situation worse, are worried about themselves, and don’t have the best interests of the injured individual in mind.

Why should I hire a Dublin personal injury solicitor?*

If you have been injured in an accident in Dublin, it stands to reason that you should hire a Dublin personal injury solicitor.* As much as phone calls, Skype calls and text messages are great, they’ll likely be a time when you want to have a face to face meeting with your solicitor.
Our Dublin personal injury solicitor* firm is set-up for appointments, and we make ourselves available to our clients when they need us.

The process involved in personal injury* cases necessities the building a professional rapport between client and solicitor. This is always more effectively done through meetings rather than by through phone calls.

If you’d like more information on how to go about seeking legal redress following a personal injury,* please review our personal injury* page or get in contact with our offices today.

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